Hi Friend!
Welcome to Pure Life Farm! Here you will find recipes for natural living and homemade cooking, to create a pure life.
I’m Taylor, a wife to a supportive husband, who has gotten use to my crazy ideas. He knows there is always a project to be done or an adventure to be had. I’m a homeschooling, stay at home mother, to 3 children, which is how I ended up down this path of healthy living. I have become passionate about advocating for medical freedom and I believe holistic health and modern medicine can coexist.
In 2019, my husband and I sold our home in Washington State and moved to Texas, in search of more land and better living. As of now, we have chickens and a large garden with dreams of homesteading in the near future.

The older I get, the more of a health nut I’ve become and strive to cook my family healthy meals from scratch. I hope to inspire you to find joy in cooking and providing healthy meals for you and your families! I enjoy creating new recipes, and natural remedies for our everyday living. At any given time, I have a starter on my counter or something in the oven. I am huge on whole foods, essential oils (my husband says I have way too much of), and natural remedies. I truly believe we are what we eat, our gut health effects the way our body feels and functions.
How our healthy living started..
In 2017 my oldest son started having seizures. Over the course of a year they became more severe and frequent. We spent 2 weeks in Childrens Hospital in hopes of answers, but didn’t get any. They gave us a follow up to a neurologist, who recommended pharmaceuticals. Not long after, we could see the medicine wasn’t going to work.
At that point, is when I believed there had to be another way. He was on alternatives medicine for 5 years. He is now off all medication, doing great and seizure free. From our experience, I now look for alternatives and will probably always go against the status quo. I think it is extremely important to encourage parents to advocate for their children and ask the necessary questions.
Fun facts about me
- I had a cosmetology license but let it go. I decided to go back to school, to the University of Washington, where I received a bachelors in Social Welfare
- I can’t stand socks and only wear them if I have to
- My biggest pet peeve is people chewing their fingernails
- My favorite food is a turkey sandwich